Carmine Appice – Attractive Female Wanted

Recently I ‘ve begun a big journey into the original singer-songwriter era, the ’70s. Naturally I’ll post some of my assumptions along with some amazing gems, like this next one:

This record is becoming one of my favourites of the era. It’s not theĀ most classic Rod Stewart record but it’s certainly worth listening (a lot actually). At this point, Stewart called Carmine Appice (of Vanilla Fudge, Cactus, Beck, Bogert, Appice etc) to play with him. Carmine co-penned the disco-rock hit “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” which is awesome if you ask me. During a run through the album my mind got stuck when I heard the above track.

It’s a truly original approach to reggae feel and the one-drop groove. Carmine is one of these drummers that never had to prove he’s good. He just profoundly went in and said “this is reggae feel… my way”.